How To Delete A Command On Twitch

How To Delete A Command On Twitch?

Welcome, Twitch enthusiasts and streamers! Are you navigating the exciting world of live streaming on Twitch? We know how exhilarating it can be to engage with your viewers through commands.

However, there might come a time when you need to delete a command for various reasons – perhaps it’s outdated or needs some tweaking.

Fear not! In this blog post, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to remove those unwanted commands from your Twitch channel effortlessly. So let’s dive right in and master the art of deleting commands on Twitch together!

What are Commands?

When it comes to commands on Twitch, there are a few different ways to go about deleting them. For starters, if you want to delete a command that you’ve created, simply type the !deletecommand command into your chat.

By doing this, you’ll be opening up the Command Settings menu and from there, you can select the command that you wish to delete.

If you want to delete a command that someone else has created, you can use the !deletecom {username} {command} command. This will delete the specified command for the specified user.

And finally, if you want to delete all commands for a particular user, you can use the !deleteallcoms {username} command. Doing this will remove all commands for the specified user and they will no longer be able to use any of them.

How to Create a Command on Twitch

If you’re a Twitch streamer, you’ve probably used commands to help keep your chat organized and your viewers engaged. But what happens when you want to delete a command?

There are a few ways to go about deleting a command on Twitch. The first is to simply type the command into your chat window followed by the word “delete.”

This will remove the command from your list of available commands.

Alternatively, you can head to your Dashboard and click on the Commands tab. From there, find the command you wish to delete and click the Delete button.

If you have bots installed on your channel, they may also offer a way to delete commands. For example, Nightbot has a !delcom command that allows you to delete custom commands. Simply type !delcom followed by the name of the command you wish to delete (e.g., !delcom !commandName).

How to Delete a Command on Twitch?

Assuming you have created a command using the !command add function, and you would like to delete it for some reason, you can do so by typing the following into your chat:

  • !command delete !
  • For example, if I wanted to delete the !test command, I would type:
  • !command delete !test

Potential Issues with Deleting Commands

When you delete a command on Twitch, there is the potential for issues to arise.

For example, if you have set up a command to give your viewers information about upcoming streams, and you then delete that command, your viewers will no longer be able to access that information.

Additionally, if you have created a custom command that is popular with your viewers, deleting it could cause frustration and negative feedback.

Best Practices for Managing Commands

When it comes to managing commands on Twitch, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

  • First and foremost, be sure to only delete commands that are no longer needed or used. This will help keep your channel organized and tidy.
  • Secondly, if you do need to delete a command, be sure to do so in a way that does not disrupt the flow of your channel or interfere with other users’ experience.

For example, if you have a !command for !songrequest , make sure to delete the !command for !songrequest first so that users are not confused when the !songrequest command doesn’t work. Always remember to test your changes before making them live on your channel.

This will ensure that everything is working as intended and avoid any potential disruptions.


Deleting a command on Twitch is an easy process. All you need to do is navigate to the channel settings and click on “Commands”. From there, you can select the command that you want to delete and confirm the deletion.

This process should take just a few minutes and will help keep your viewers engaged with only relevant commands appearing in your chat box. Once deleted, make sure to review all of your commands frequently so that any outdated or irrelevant ones are removed from view for good!

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